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- What Happened to Ben? (5/6/2024)
- Review: Passage to Moorea by B.R. O’Hagan (3/18/2024)
- Review: Kings, Conquerors, Psychopaths: From Alexander to Hitler to the Corporation by Joseph N Abraham MD (12/1/2023)
- A Semi-Not-Horribly-Regular Newsletter #25 (10/23/2023)
- Review: Revolution by David Dorrough – A 2023 Indie Author Review Selection (10/21/2023)
- Review: The Pirate Danced and the Automat Died by Lou Kemp (10/9/2023)
- A Semi-Not-Horribly-Regular Newsletter #24 (9/24/2023)
- Review: HALF A LION: An Epic Adventure Novel by Palle E.K. Oswald – A 2023 Indie Author Review Selection (9/9/2023)
- A Semi-Not-Horribly-Regular Newsletter #23 (8/23/2023)
- Review: Pulstar I: The Swan Barely Remembers by Giancarlo Roversi – A 2023 Indie Author Review Selection (8/22/2023)
- On Book Titles (8/14/2023)
- The End? Really? (7/30/2023)
- A Semi-Not-Horribly-Regular Newsletter #22 (7/17/2023)
- Review: An End to Etcetera by B. Robert Conklin – A 2023 Indie Author Review Selection (7/12/2023)
- 4—Embrace Non-Attachment (7/11/2023)
- Riding the Waves of Impermanence in the Creative Writing Journey (7/3/2023)
- A Semi-Not-Horribly-Regular Newsletter #21 (6/26/2023)
- Review: Trapped in Tranquility by Brody Coy – A 2023 Indie Author Review Selection (6/22/2023)
- Review: Incident 395 by John Riha – A 2023 Indie Author Review Selection (6/22/2023)
- Back to It (6/18/2023)
- 3—Practice Compassion (6/4/2023)
- 2—Cultivate Mindfulness (5/29/2023)
- 1—Embrace Impermanence (5/22/2023)
- Writer’s Block: Tips and Strategies for Getting Unstuck from Someone Who’s Stuck Often (5/14/2023)
- A Semi-Not-Horribly-Regular Newsletter #20 (5/11/2023)
- Review: The Accidental World by K.A. Griffin – A 2023 Indie Author Review Selection (5/10/2023)
- Review: Strangled by Simile (Chalkboard Outlines) by Kelley Kaye – A 2023 Indie Author Review Selection (5/10/2023)
- Post-Conference Thoughts (5/3/2023)
- A Semi-Not-Horribly-Regular Newsletter #19 (4/14/2023)
- Mindfulness and Writing: There is a Connection (3/22/2023)
- Mark Twain Made Me Write This (3/14/2023)
- Review: When I’m Lonely I Dream of You by Tallie (3/13/2023)
- Using Emotional Intelligence to Enhance Your Writing (3/8/2023)
- Review & Interview: Melinda West: Monster Gunslinger by KC Grifant (3/1/2023)
- A Semi-Not-Horribly-Regular Newsletter #18 (2/28/2023)
- Review: When Emily Went Missing: My Haunted Garden Book 1 by Michael Weems – A 2023 Indie Author Review Selection (2/24/2023)
- Review: Pebbles and the Biggest Number by Joey Benun (2/19/2023)
- Review: Captain Sedition: The Death of the Age of Reason by Kerry Fusaro (1/30/2023)
- A Semi-Not-Horribly-Regular Newsletter #17 (1/29/2023)
- Review: A Giant Comes by A.J. Saxsma – A 2023 Indie Author Review Selection (1/28/2023)
- A Word About Reviews (1/22/2023)
- 2023 Indie Review Program Selections! (1/16/2023)
- In Consideration of Writing & Mental Health (1/8/2023)
- End of the Year (2022) Thoughts (12/31/2022)
- A Semi-Not-Horribly-Regular Newsletter #16 (12/24/2022)
- Review: Pearl in the Deep by Katherine L. Parker – A 2022 Indie Author Review Selection (12/24/2022)
- A Semi-Not-Horribly-Regular Newsletter #15 (11/25/2022)
- Review: American Nomads by N.L. McLaughlin – A 2022 Indie Author Review Selection (11/24/2022)
- What Could Be Better Than a Book About Weather? (11/20/2022)
- WTF is a Genogram? (11/13/2022)
- What is Solar Weather? (11/6/2022)
- A Semi-Not-Horribly-Regular Newsletter #14 (11/1/2022)
- Review: Soul of Lucifer: Lost by Rune Rivers – A 2022 Indie Author Review Selection (10/30/2022)
- On Temperature & Emotion (10/18/2022)
- Making the Switch to Scrivener (10/9/2022)
- A Semi-Not-Horribly-Regular Newsletter #13 (10/1/2022)
- On Precipitation & Emotion (9/29/2022)
- Review: Twenty-Eight by Raymond Beaman – A 2022 Indie Author Review Selection (9/25/2022)
- Alien Weather (9/21/2022)
- On Thunderstorms & Emotion (9/11/2022)
- Review: Golem by P.D. Alleva (9/6/2022)
- Obscure Greek Gods (8/29/2022)
- Review: Sheltered: When a Boy Becomes a Legend by Jacob Paul Patchen (8/26/2022)
- A Semi-Not-Horribly-Regular Newsletter #12 (8/20/2022)
- Review: The Anuvi Incident By James Vincett – A 2022 Indie Author Review Selection (8/16/2022)
- Avoiding Series Burnout (8/14/2022)
- Review: The Siege by Linda Thackeray (8/11/2022)
- Review: Because That’s Where Your Heart Is (edited by Sam Agar) (8/6/2022)
- Dream Vacations (for This Writer) (7/30/2022)
- A Semi-Not-Horribly-Regular Newsletter #11 (7/27/2022)
- Review: Bibi Blundermuss and the Tree Across the Cosmos by Andrew Durkin – A 2022 Indie Author Review Selection (7/26/2022)
- Using Anthropology for World Building – Part 8 (Daily Life) (7/23/2022)
- Using Anthropology for World Building – Part 7 (Economy) (7/16/2022)
- Using Anthropology for World Building – Part 6 (Government) (7/9/2022)
- Review: Neighborhood Watch by Kevin Patrick Kenealy (7/8/2022)
- Using Anthropology for World Building – Part 5 (History) (7/2/2022)
- A Semi-Not-Horribly-Regular Newsletter #10 (6/28/2022)
- Using Anthropology for World Building – Part 4 (Arts & Crafts) (6/25/2022)
- Using Anthropology for World Building – Part 3 (Social Groups) (6/18/2022)
- Using Anthropology for World Building – Part 2 (Religion) (6/11/2022)
- Using Anthropology for World Building – Part 1 (Language) (6/4/2022)
- Review: Fee Simple Conditional by H.C. Helfand – A 2022 Indie Author Review Selection (6/2/2022)
- A Semi-Not-Horribly-Regular Newsletter #9 (5/28/2022)
- On Fog & Emotion (5/21/2022)
- A Little Experiment with Weather & Emotions (5/11/2022)
- Review: Captain Madigan (Tales of the Whiskey Richard Book 1) by Patrick Fullmer – A 2022 Indie Author Review Selection (5/9/2022)
- The Thunderstorm Story Model (5/3/2022)
- A Semi-Not-Horribly-Regular Newsletter #8 (4/25/2022)
- Psychological Injunctions, Drivers & Your Characters (4/21/2022)
- Review: Shadows & Starstone: The Immortals Part One by Cheryl S. Mackey (4/19/2022)
- Review: Squid Face Girl: & A Wretched Little Book of Poems by Allen Isom – A 2022 Indie Author Review Selection (4/12/2022)
- On Wind & Emotion (4/11/2022)
- A New Anthology by the Pikes Peak Writers (3/31/2022)
- Review: Scoundrel in the Thick by B.R. O’Hagan (3/28/2022)
- A Semi-Not-Horribly-Regular Newsletter #7 (3/27/2022)
- The Only Books I’ve Read More than Twice (3/20/2022)
- A Poem: Bully Trigger (3/16/2022)
- On Clouds and Emotion (3/12/2022)
- Give Your Character a Test (3/4/2022)
- Review: Songbird Ascension by Khira Allen – A 2022 Indie Author Review Selection (2/25/2022)
- A Release Plan for the Schedule Dependent (2/17/2022)
- Review: Road Kill by R. J. Norgard (2/16/2022)
- A Semi-Not-Horribly-Regular Newsletter #6 (2/11/2022)
- Review: Gathering of the Four by A. E. Bennett – A 2022 Indie Author Review Selection (2/10/2022)
- Review: The Chair Man by Alex Pearl (1/29/2022)
- Religiosity in Fiction (1/28/2022)
- A Semi-Not-Horribly-Regular Newsletter #5 (1/25/2022)
- Review: Broken Pledges by Kevin Kilgarriff – A 2022 Indie Author Review Program Selection (1/24/2022)
- Research: Some Odd Findings (1/20/2022)
- Review: InSomnus by Molly Fennig (1/17/2022)
- Review: The Raven and the Pig by Lou Kemp (1/10/2022)
- On Writing a Synopsis, Blurb, Logline and Tagline (1/6/2022)
- Review: The Living Sword by Pemry Janes (1/3/2022)
- Review: Aestus: Book 1: The City by S. Z. Attwell (12/31/2021)
- A Semi-Not-Horribly-Regular Newsletter #4 (12/30/2021)
- Review: The Zoologist’s Guide to the Galaxy by Arik Kershenbaum (12/29/2021)
- Review: Greek Island Life: Fieldwork on Anafi by Margaret E. Kenna (12/27/2021)
- Short Story: The Royal (12/25/2021)
- What the Devil is Anthropological Science Fiction? (12/22/2021)
- Review: Paper Castles by B. Fox (12/21/2021)
- Review: Music Shall Untune the Sky by Lou Kemp (12/20/2021)
- Review: The Violins Played before Junstan by Lou Kemp (12/16/2021)
- Review: Stalin’s Door by John St. Clair (12/16/2021)
- Review: Call Numbers by Syntell Smith (12/16/2021)
- What’s not to love about a literary smörgåsbord? (12/14/2021)
- What Just Happened? An Incomplete Journey of a NaNoWriMo Newbie – Part 2 (12/7/2021)
- (Almost) Two Years in Review: An Exercise (11/29/2021)
- A Semi-Not-Horribly-Regular Newsletter #3 (11/26/2021)
- A Poem: Castle in the Sky (11/18/2021)
- What Just Happened? An Incomplete Journey of a NaNoWriMo Newbie – Part 1 (11/16/2021)
- How To: Give eBooks a Little Push — Part 2 (11/8/2021)
- How To: Give eBooks a Little Push — Part 1 (11/1/2021)
- How To: Become a Vicar of Virality (10/25/2021)
- Short Story: Sprouts (10/17/2021)
- A Semi-Not-Horribly-Regular Newsletter #2 (10/13/2021)
- Location, Location, Location (10/12/2021)
- Short Story: Terminal Conversations (9/24/2021)
- How to: Develop a Writing Routine (9/15/2021)
- A Semi-Not-Horribly-Regular Newsletter #1 (9/13/2021)
- Preparing to Write Pike’s Wrong (9/6/2021)
- Ghost Vomit: Or How Ideas are Born (8/31/2021)
- Short Story: Harlan’s Holes (8/25/2021)
- How to: Rebuild Resilience in Writing & in Life (8/23/2021)
- On Focus: “I saw a creature…bestial…” (8/9/2021)
- The Very Useful File and the Idea Crumbs (7/31/2021)
- Developing Genealogies for Fictional Characters (5/24/2021)
- How To: Focus on a Writing Project (5/4/2021)
- Personalize Your Fiction (whether you want to or not) (3/17/2021)
- A Novel Outline (not to be confused with a novel outline) (5/12/2020)
- What is Literary Fiction Really? (7/1/2018)
- A Writer’s Quandary: Should Theme Come First? (6/20/2018)
- Creation: How an Art Piece Can Explain a Writing Thing (6/12/2018)
- Write, Rinse, Repeat (Or: the Drunk Ex-CIA Agent Finds the Treasure and Saves the World!) (5/26/2018)
- A Primer on Death Poetry for Writers (5/18/2018)
- Pentimento: a Fancy Word for “That’s Better” (5/14/2018)
- Insert Song Title About “Change” (5/5/2018)
- Art as Story (5/1/2018)
- How To: Write a Book in Just Under 20 Years (or 7300 days) (4/19/2018)
- How to: Price Paintings and Still Like Yourself (4/11/2018)
- I Hear Voices…Can’t You? (3/28/2018)
- Llama, Llama, Go Llama (3/13/2018)
- On Research: Extrajudicial Killing, Maggie and Me (3/2/2018)
- How To: Inhale a Novel Idea (Literally) (2/8/2018)
- How To: Create an Atmosphere on Paper (1/15/2018)
- I Met God at Applebee’s (6/9/2017)
- Out, out, brief candle… (3/7/2017)
- Review: Dandelion Wine by Ray Bradbury (1/11/2014)
- How a Little Boy Gave Me a Reason (11/9/2013)
- A Poem: Cloud 9 (3/3/2013)
- A Poem: Glass Bottom (1/27/2013)
- Review: Out of Oz by Gregory Maguire (4/2/2012)
- Review: The Devil Colony by James Rollins (3/9/2012)
- Review: Death Match by Lincoln Child (2/13/2012)
- Review: Mama by Robin Morris (2/13/2012)
- Review: Creepers by David Morrell (2/13/2012)
- What Works for Independent Authors? Guest Post by Scott Bury (2/11/2012)
- Review: Dogs of War by Bradley Convissar (6/8/2011)
- I Read the News Today (4/28/2011)
By Category
- Art
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Tag Cloud
all we leave behind (1) art (1) beans of anafi (4) beneath gehenna (4) books (11) Castles (6) conference (1) death (1) difficult mirrors (5) driving the spike (2) editing (1) excerpts (2) guest post (1) indie (4) ink & enlightenment (4) interviews (3) kindle vella (1) marketing (5) nanowrimo (2) newsletter (19) novel structure (1) other stuff (1) outlining (1) out of due season (4) painting (2) poetry (7) publishing (3) reading (4) reflection (9) regarding dead things (6) reviews (56) short story (3) sketches from the spanish mustang (4) sunshine and shadow (9) weather (13) writing (63)