Riding the Waves of Impermanence in the Creative Writing Journey

Riding the Waves of Impermanence in the Creative Writing Journey

creative writing
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Let’s take a scenic stroll along the unpredictable yet thrilling path of creative writing. Now, don’t get me wrong, I don’t mean to send you down a rabbit hole of existential crisis, but let’s tackle a notion that’s as thrilling as it is terrifying: impermanence.

Firstly, let’s agree on one thing: Creative writing is as much a wild rollercoaster as that time I tried making a 5-tier cake for the first time (the less we talk about it, the better). It’s filled with lofty climbs, precipitous drops, and wild, unexpected turns. But hey, isn’t that why we love it so much?

Impermanence is the secret spice in our creative gumbo. It’s the essence of our ever-evolving stories and the dynamic characters we breathe life into. Think about it, would Sherlock Holmes be as captivating if he wasn’t continuously on the move, both intellectually and physically? The suspense and the charm lie in the constant change.

If our writing were a static monolith, it would be as exciting as watching paint dry, and we all know that’s not why we picked up that pen or sat down at that keyboard. We’re not here for the mundane. We’re here for the thrilling escapade, the heart-stopping love stories, the plot twists that would make even the most seasoned rollercoaster riders squeal.

So, how do we make friends with this ever-evolving beast? Here are a few of my personal pointers:

  1. Embrace Change: Much like my unfortunate cake debacle, the sooner you embrace the idea that change is inevitable, the better. It’s going to happen, whether in your story, your writing style, or your perspectives. Take it from me; it’s much more enjoyable if you buckle up and enjoy the ride.
  2. Go with the Flow: The first draft of your story won’t be the same as the final one, and that’s a good thing! That metamorphosis is a testament to your growth as a writer. So, don’t fret if your first draft looks like a hot mess; it’s part of the journey.
  3. Stay Open and Flexible: Remember, rigidity is the enemy of creativity. Allow your characters to surprise you, let the plot twist in unexpected ways. Stay open and flexible. Be as adaptable as that time you used spaghetti as a makeshift skewer at the family barbecue. It’s a fun story for another time.

In the end, the beauty of the creative writing journey lies in its impermanence. Just like our own lives, stories evolve, characters change, and nothing stays the same. It’s this constant ebb and flow that breathes life into our narratives, making them as vibrant and dynamic as we are.

In the wise words of the great Heraclitus, “The only constant in life is change.” Maybe he really said that or maybe he didn’t. I’m not here to quibble over Internet memes.

The sooner we embrace impermanence in our creative process, the sooner we can start creating truly captivating stories.

So, grab your pen, power up that laptop, and ride the thrilling waves of impermanence in your next creative adventure. I promise you, it’s one hell of a ride.

Change is not only good; it’s downright exciting!

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