Review: Call Numbers by Syntell Smith

Review: Call Numbers by Syntell Smith

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Life is a book… and every person is a chapter.

Everything’s looking up for Robin Walker. It’s 1994 in New York City, and he’s been transferred downtown to the 58th Street Branch Library. Ready to move up the ladder, Robin is excited about the opportunities that await him.

But success, personal or professional, is as elusive as a first-edition rare book. Robin struggles with his strange new work environment as this motley crew of employees generates more drama than a runaway bestseller. He doesn’t know who to believe – or who to let in. And as potential romance mingles with devious machinations, there’s no telling where Robin’s story will go. All he knows is that he must see it through to the very last page.

Call Numbers is a captivating and multilayered adult drama. Through realistic dialogue and situations, author Syntell Smith has crafted a modern-day classic about the trials and tribulations of adulthood. Because a library is usually the last place you’d expect high drama, but for these characters…it’s long overdue.

My Thoughts

Call Numbers: The Not So Quiet Life of Librarians is a book that intrigued me with its premise and then stuck with me after I read it. As a library nerd (I practically lived in them when I was very young), I was immediately immersed in the story, following each of the fleshed out characters as they navigated The System. Not being from New York, the descriptions and pacing made me feel like I had been before, something I admire as a hallmark of a good narrative. Bring me in, leave me there, let me wander.

I am very impressed by Syntell Smith as a writer. He nails all the elements of a good story and provides a wild drama that kept me reading. At times I identified with Robin and other characters woven throughout the novel. Workplace issues are a staple of my profession, and if this book is any indication, The System would be a great place to study.

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