Out of Due Season: The First Transit

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ReviewsThe All-Important Playlist! ● ExcerptsExtras!

The genesis of a new world–and a new series–is underway

Book 1 in the Transit Series

What if humanity had a second chance?

On a June afternoon, a body is discovered floating in a remote lake in northwestern Washington. When a recovery team attempts to retrieve it, they make a shocking discovery: 311 other bodies lie under the water, all members of a previously unknown religious cult. However, what appears to be a tragedy of immense proportions is only the beginning.

When a few relatives and friends of the victims discover inconsistencies in the stories, a small group bands together to learn the truth. As government agencies apply pressure for reasons unknown and civil unrest in the country makes communication and movement difficult, this tiny yet determined team unravels what may be the greatest event in recent—if not all—human history.

Something epic is about to happen in that remote lake, and as competing sides inch ever closer to the truth, the last pieces of the puzzle are revealed.

The First Transit is for those who follow the rules, while disaster awaits everyone else.

A Readers’ Favorite 5-star Review

★★★★★ – “The story develops into a brilliant, fast-moving chain of events that climax with an unexpected twist. The writing is clean and the prose is engaging, with dialogue that feels authentic and scenes described in just enough detail to breathe vivid life without sacrificing the quick tempo. Highly recommended.”

Other Reviews

★★★★★ – “Wretlind knocks it out of the park with this first installment in the series, and readers like me are going to happily buckle up for the Second Transit.” – B.R. O’Hagan, author of Scoundrel in the Thick and Martin’s Way

★★★★★ – “…a multi-layered castle of personal loss, respect, philosophy, and the decisions of bad people…” – Lou Kemp, author of the Celwyn series

★★★★★ – “From the start I was pulled into this book and I read late into the night anxious to see what was next. He captured the variety of personalities in a way that I haven’t read in a long time. I could feel the surfaces, smell and taste the environment, and see what surrounded the world through the words I read. I highly recommend this book as a must read no matter what genre you love.” – Amazon review

★★★★★ – “I was continually surprised by twists and turns I didn’t see coming and happily, the destination was worth the journey. Out of Due Season pays off with a solid ending that sets up book two perfectly.” – Amazon review

★★★★★ – “Wretlind is a skilled creator whose descriptions come alive in your imagination. You can see his world expanding.” – ARC Reviewer

★★★★★ – “The author hooked me from the first page then took me on a mystery/sci-fi/adventure with hints of family drama, romance and the struggle between good and evil. It sports plot twists and cliffhangers at every turn and is truly a difficult book to put down” – Craig Strickland, author, lecturer

★★★★★ – “…very imaginative and engaging. I found myself constantly needing to know what was going to happen next…sleep was a real problem.” – ARC Reviewer

The All-Important Playlist!

The following songs (to be edited, likely) were either motivational while writing or are specific to certain scenes.


Excerpt 1

Excerpt 2

Excerpt 3


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