A Word About Reviews

A Word About Reviews

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I’ve been reading for a few years. Maybe something close to 50. Back in the day, I might read a book and let someone know that it was good (or bad) or pass along a copy to a friend.

That was before Amazon, before the Internet, but sometime after the invention of the printing press.

It was how we did reviews back then. You know, when we were walking uphill to school both ways with no shoes.

Now we can leave reviews all over the place. I do it here. And here. Oh. And here.

I’ve also been publishing for a few years. Less than my stint as a reader, but long enough to realize something:

I suck at asking for reviews.

It’s a problem for all Indie authors.

A huge problem.

Indie authors are self-published authors who have taken the initiative (read that as: blood, sweat, tears, pain) to publish their own work without the backing of a traditional publishing house.

In other words: alone.

While independently publishing a work can be a great way for authors to share their stories with the world, it also means that they don’t have the same resources or corporate support as traditionally published authors.

And by “the same resources or corporate support” I mean none.

One of the biggest challenges for Indie authors is getting their work noticed. Without the marketing budget and distribution networks of a traditional publisher, it can be difficult for Indie authors to reach a wide audience.

Frankly, it can be soul crushing.

This is where reviews come in.

This is where YOU come in.

Reviews are an important way for readers to discover new books, and they also serve as valuable feedback for the authors. Positive reviews can help an Indie author’s book stand out in a crowded marketplace, while constructive criticism can help them improve their writing and storytelling.

Leaving a review doesn’t take much time or effort, but it can make a big difference for Indie authors.

Big. Huge. Massive. Colossal. Gigantic. Immense.

You get the point.

By leaving a review, you’re not only helping other readers discover a great new book, but you’re also supporting an independent author in their creative endeavors. You’re giving them something for all that pain they went through to give birth to a work of art and be brave enough to let others see it.

To let YOU read it.

So why don’t people write reviews?

I’ve compiled a small and incomplete list of reasons why people don’t leave reviews (with my rebuttals). Feel free to add your own.

  • Some readers may not have the time or interest (it takes less than a second to click a star)
  • Others may not feel qualified or confident in their writing abilities (if you read, you’re qualified)
  • Readers may also not see the value in writing a review (believe me, there’s value–see above)
  • Then there are those who may not feel that their opinion would be helpful or relevant to others (writers need feedback)
  • Some prefer to share their thoughts on a book through word of mouth or personal conversations rather than writing a formal review (that’s good, but we’re in the age of the Interwebz now and life revolves around stars)
  • Some people may not want to give away spoilers or reveal too much about the plot (so don’t; you can just click the stars without having to leave a comprehensive book report)
  • Others may not have an opinion about a book or may have mixed feelings (which is okay, but doesn’t mean you can’t leave a few stars; again, you don’t have to write your thoughts up)
  • Some people may not have access to the platforms where book reviews are typically posted (um…this is highly doubtful)
  • There are few people who may not know that they have the option to write a review (psst! you have the option)

So if you’re an avid reader and want to support Indie authors, consider leaving a review for the books you read. It’s a small way to make a big impact.

That’s why I added reviews here. One small step from one (very) small voice and all that.

P.S. I want to thank everyone who has left a review. Anywhere. For any book.

(And even though I’m horrible at asking for reviews, feel free to leave a review for any one of my books. I will thank you.)

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