What Happened to Ben?

What Happened to Ben?

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If you’re a regular visitor to the website, you might have noticed that there is a lack of new content, a change in the balance of things. The last review was in March and before that December.

Why is that?

In November 2023, I decided it was time to take on a new “thing to do.” I have started on my journey toward a PhD in Industrial-Organizational Psychology, which comes with–as you can probably imagine–a lot of reading that is not for fun–journal articles, abstracts, philosophical ramblings that are difficult to digest. Not that I don’t find any of that fun, but it’s not exactly riveting reading.

That said, reviews are on hold for the time being.

Review requests, that is.

I will still be reviewing books as I read them, although the majority will be nonfiction and probably related to whatever it is I’m studying at the time.

A Spring Chicken. Not Me.

I’m 52 years old. I’m not a spring chicken. I decided that of all the things I do–work, reading, writing, coaching, and consulting–something had to give. Things were out of balance.

That something ended up being reviews…for the time being.

I’m still writing, and in fact, just published two books in the last two months. I have two more that I will be working on throughout the year.

Other writers–that might be you–are the subject of my dissertation, so stay tuned for all that entails. I’d like to get you involved in order to help you. I won’t tell you exactly what my dissertation topic is all about right now, but suffice to say, it’s intended to help writers around the world.

I’ve also had a few setbacks in the past few months. A conference I regularly teach at decided my topics weren’t good enough for their programming. I have been back and forth to my “day job” a few more weeks that normal. And I started to paint again.

That latter thing isn’t a setback, but I just remembered.

I do still offer beta reading, so if you have a project I might be a good fit for, you’re more than welcome to reach out. I will also coach those that I have been working with over the past few years. But the regular reviews…those will need to wait…

…for now. It’s all about balance.

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