Review: Stalin’s Door by John St. Clair

Review: Stalin’s Door by John St. Clair

Stalin's Door by John St. Clair
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Description (from

In the dangerous time of Russia’s Great Terror, a knock on the door late at night could mean only one thing!

Moscow, 1937. As mortal fear engulfs the capital city, a singular man cements his lethal grip of absolute power over an entire nation. Accusations, mass arrests, executions, and deportations become de rigueur. Stalin’s cult of personality is so fearsome, that even a simple question could get you killed—or worse. Stalin’s dreaded secret police, the NKVD, would pit neighbor against neighbor in the insatiable hunt for the spies and saboteurs which threaten the supreme leader’s tyranny. The crisis will irrecoverably overwhelm the body politic—just on the eve of World War II!

Stalin’s Door is the unforgettable story of three extraordinary individuals who lived during the time of Russia’s Great Terror. They share a terrible fate which will forever intertwine their lives. Zhenya is the strong young daughter of an important government official, who is growing up fast in a privileged government enclave. Sava is a devoted husband, unceremoniously dismissed from the Soviet Navy, who considers a new opportunity. Lera is a wise grandmother who bears a crucial responsibility, while forced into exile in the outland of Siberia.

All will discover the heinous secret of Stalin’s Door!

My Thoughts

When I was much, much younger, I eschewed the popular language classes in my high school and took instead Russian, facilitated by an eccentric teacher who would have fit perfectly within the pages of John St. Clair’s debut novel, Stalin’s Door. And because I was that kid, I also took an interest in all things related to the Soviet Union, from the Revolution through the Cold War and its eventual fall. I was also–perhaps morbidly–interested in the Gulag and its system of prison camps.

Reading this novel was like diving back into that research, diving back into the horrors of Stalin’s regime and hearing from those who lived it first-hand. While the characters may have been fictional, their voices are in my head. St. Clair’s grasp of the language and his research into the nuances within the culture were obvious wins. From Zhenya to Sava to Lera, the characters were well-rounded, deep and so three-dimensional they could have been pulled from the pages of history.

I cannot express this enough: although I am admittedly not a fan of historical fiction, I am a HUGE fan of John St. Clair and especially Stalin’s Door. This is a beautifully written book that pulled me in and kept me reading through the end.

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