Category: Difficult Mirrors

(Almost) Two Years in Review: An Exercise

Two years is a long time to review, and these past two years really feel like 20. Still, I think it’s necessary for some of us to look back on where we were and what we’ve accomplished. If anything, it’s a record. While I know it’s not quite December, I still feel the need to…
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How To: Become a Vicar of Virality

Truthfully, I have no idea how a novel becomes viral if the author isn’t well known, but I’m going to list out a bunch of stuff that probably says I’m doing it wrong.

What is Literary Fiction Really?

When I was wee lad (well, thirty-something), I had this idea I would be the next great horror writer. I did all things horror: wrote short stories, worked on novels, edited a horror magazine, read works by other horror authors, attempted to buy my way into horror conventions, collected horror action figures (they’re not dolls!),…
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A Writer’s Quandary: Should Theme Come First?

Theme. In contemporary literary studies, a theme is the central topic, subject, or concept the author is trying to point out, not to be confused with whatever message, moral, or commentary it may send or be interpreted as sending regarding said concept (i.e., its inferred “thesis”). Blah, blah, blah. When I wrote my first few…
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How To: Write a Book in Just Under 20 Years (or 7300 days)

A book takes times, does it not? On September 23, 2013, Difficult Mirrors was released for consumption (and hopefully joy). That the book took a while to write is not a secret I keep. Journeys are not always quick nor do they always take a straight route. It even had a different name for nearly…
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How a Little Boy Gave Me a Reason

I originally wrote part of this post just before I turned 40. However, I sometimes need to be reminded why I’m here. It happens every once in a while: you bury yourself in the business aspect of writing, looking at numbers, trying to forecast the way the readership blows, but when all is said and…
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