Category: Writing

AI traveler

Using AI for World Building: Describing Locations

As a writer, describing locations may be hard Sometimes, words alone are not enough. Ask AI. See what it can do for you.

Getting AI to Be Your Beta Reviewer

What if AI could review my book (at any point in the writing process) and provide me a simple beta review with suggestions for improvement?

Photo by Pixabay:

Mindfulness and Writing: There is a Connection

There are many benefits to applying mindfulness for writing and some strategies you can practice right now.

Mark Twain Made Me Write This

Mark Twain shunned putting weather in books, even though he shows up in a table of authors that mention the weather in the first sentence. Yet human emotion can be drawn out or set by using the weather as a tool.

Photo by Pixabay:

Using Emotional Intelligence to Enhance Your Writing

Success as a writer depends not only on your ability to, well, write, but also on your ability to use emotional intelligence.

A robot creating a new language

Using AI for World Building: Conlanging

Generative AI can help you, as a writer, in your attempts at conlanging–or developing new languages.

a robot artist at an easel , in the style of a cartoon from the 1950s

Using AI for World Building: Species Names

As a fiction writer, you can use generative AI to help you with world building in a number of ways, to include coming up with names.

ChatGPT Use Case for Writers

Another ChatGPT Use Case for Writers

This is my attempt at generating a story idea, fleshing out the logline, breaking it apart into a basic plot structure, and finally coming up with chapter events. It sucks.

Shakespeare as a robot in the style of davinci

Getting AI to Fix My Bad High School Poetry

I thought I’d try something fun since I have the itch to play around with AI-generative chatbots like OpenAI’s ChatGPT.

a robot at a typewriter, in the style of a cartoon from the 1950s

ChatGPT for Writers

ChatGPT can assist writers in several ways, such as generating ideas for stories, suggesting words or phrases to enhance writing and more.