Another ChatGPT Use Case for Writers

Another ChatGPT Use Case for Writers

ChatGPT Use Case for Writers
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The last post I ran through what ChatGPT is and how writers might be able to use it for various tasks. Now I want to get a little more, um, specific?

Prompted by the fear I’ve heard from some authors that AI will replace us (not going to happen), I thought I’d see what positive things could come from here. As you’ll see, I don’t think authors have much to worry about.

Here below is my attempt at generating a story idea, fleshing out the logline, breaking it apart into a basic plot structure, and finally coming up with chapter events. Mind you, I’d still have to write it–and I probably won’t be writing this story. You can run with the idea if you wish. (Just say hi to me in the acknowledgements when you make it big.)

We’ll start with a blank page…as in, I have no idea what to write. However, I do tend to stick to speculative fiction (e.g., fantasy, science fiction, magical realism).

give me 10 storylines for a science fiction novel

I kind of like the first one (about the mysterious disease).

write me a logline for your first storyline in that list

Meh. But this is an experiment, so let me run with it.

break that logline down into plot elements

now give me a 5-part plot structure based on that, starting with exposition

ChatGPT Use Case for Writers

Better (not always great) novels have more than one storyline. You could throw in a romance.

take the 5-part story and add in a secondary story as a romance

ChatGPT Use Case for Writers

I’m not entirely satisfied. What if I change the doctor to an accountant and the one dealing with the disease into an ironworker. (It’s my story.) I also want a different antagonist than just the disease.

change the doctor to an accountant and the one dealing with the disease into an ironworker and add in an antagonist other than just the disease

ChatGPT Use Case for Writers

I don’t like stories with a tycoon. Maybe the human antagonist can be a intern lab student who has figured out that the disease is capable of manipulating minds.

change the tycoon to an intern lab student who has figured out that the disease is capable of manipulating minds, then turn what you have into a three act structure

Huh. I don’t know. Happy endings and all. But, this is still an experiment and maybe there are those readers who like happily ever after type stories. Anyway, what if I add a twist (don’t know what it is)? I’m also going to try to shorten what I have.

add a twist put this into three paragraphs no longer than 500 words total

ChatGPT Use Case for Writers

For the next step, it’s time to break our story down even more.

now I want this story broken into 20 chapters. Give me a chapter title and one sentence about what happens in that chapter.

(Rather than provide a screenshot, I’ll copy it over below. It’s pretty long.)

Chapter 1: “The Ironworker” The chapter introduces the ironworker, who is dealing with the mysterious disease that is affecting the residents of the colony on a distant planet.

Chapter 2: “The Intern” The chapter introduces the intern lab student, who is tasked with finding a cure for the disease and is starting to develop feelings for the ironworker.

Chapter 3: “The Discovery” The intern lab student discovers that the disease is capable of manipulating minds, setting off a chain of events that will change the colony forever.

Chapter 4: “Chaos in the Colony” The discovery is revealed to the colony, and the disease starts to manipulate the minds of the residents, throwing the colony into chaos.

Chapter 5: “The Race Against Time” The ironworker and the student work together to stop the spread of the disease and protect the colony, all while their relationship continues to grow.

Chapter 6: “The Intern’s Secret” The ironworker discovers the intern’s secret project to manipulate the minds of the residents, putting their relationship and the colony in danger.

Chapter 7: “Confronting the Truth” The ironworker must confront the intern about their true motivations and the consequences of their actions, all while trying to find a cure for the disease.

Chapter 8: “The Ironworker’s Dilemma” The ironworker must decide whether to risk losing the love of their life by stopping the intern’s plan or letting the colony be destroyed.

Chapter 9: “The Colony in Peril” The colony is caught in the crossfire as the disease and the intern’s manipulation threaten to tear everything apart.

Chapter 10: “The Battle for the Colony” The ironworker and the student work together to save the colony and stop the intern’s plan, all while their relationship is put to the test.

Chapter 11: “The Power of Love” The ironworker and the student realize that love and trust are the greatest weapons against the darkness, and that hope and redemption can be found in even the darkest of circumstances.

Chapter 12: “A New Normal” The colony and the characters find a new normal in their lives, with the student having found a cure for the disease and the ironworker and student’s relationship having been strengthened.

Chapter 13: “Rebuilding the Colony” The colony starts to rebuild and find hope for the future, with the ironworker and student leading the way.

Chapter 14: “The Future Together” The ironworker and student look forward to a bright future together, with love providing a beacon of light in a difficult time.

Chapter 15: “The Legacy of the Disease” The colony and the characters must come to terms with the legacy of the disease and its impact on their lives.

Chapter 16: “Moving Forward” The colony and the characters must find a way to move forward and heal from the experience, with the ironworker and student providing hope and inspiration.

Chapter 17: “A Symbol of Hope” The ironworker and student become a symbol of hope and resilience for the colony, inspiring others to never give up.

Chapter 18: “Looking to the Future” The colony and the characters look to the future with optimism, with the ironworker and student leading the way.

Chapter 19: “A Bright Future” The ironworker and student start a new chapter in their lives, with the colony thriving and hope for the future shining bright.

Chapter 20: “The Power of Love and Hope” The final chapter reflects on the power of love and hope, and how they can overcome even the greatest of challenges

Please note: this story is awful, but it has given me some ideas.

Finally, it needs a title.

give me five options for a book title

ChatGPT Use Case for Writers

I’m pretty sure those are just as bad as the story, but you can run with ChatGPT all day, if you want.

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