Getting AI to Fix My Bad High School Poetry

Getting AI to Fix My Bad High School Poetry

Shakespeare as a robot in the style of davinci
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I thought I’d try something fun since I have the itch to play around with AI-generative chatbots like OpenAI’s ChatGPT–AI Poetry.

In a black binder hidden away where no one will see them, I have about 60 Very Bad Poems (to use the Pooh vernacular). If you can imagine what a high school poem is like (perhaps you have a few?), you know just how bad they are.

So I figured: rather than cringe at all the morose, depressing, maudlin teenage crap, why not put it into ChatGPT and see if AI can fix it for me.

Should be a hoot!

Here’s a monstrously bad poem, one of the few I’ll actually free from that binder.

Gazing at the sea,
Through waves of tears,
My hands up under my chin…
A crab walks by–
A waddle left,
A waddle right;
He disappears into the sand.

Gazing at the sea
Through waves of tears,
My hands up under my chin…
A fish decays–
Wading in a pool of stagnant water,
Wading free of problems;
A gull picks at the remains.

Gazing at the sea
Through waves of tears,
My hands up under my chin…
A ship runs aground–
Slamming into the rocks,
Slamming into oblivion;
It sinks into the froth.

And all this I saw,
While gazing at the sea
Through waves of tears,
My hands up under my chin.

– Benjamin X. Wretlind, a really bad poem

Okay. Let’s try the first thing that comes to mind.

rewrite the poem as a Shakespearean sonnet:

AI Poetry

Okay. Hmm. Kind of like listening to Vogon poetry. Let’s try a different approach.

rewrite the poem in the style of Emily Dickinson:

AI Poetry

I mean, it’s a little better. Right? But what if I took a different approach, one not so rooted in centuries old poets?

rewrite the poem in the style of Shel Silverstein:

AI Poetry

Meh. It’s not something I would put in a book like Where the Sidewalk Ends (nor would Mr. Silverstein), but it’s more passable than the original.

How about…Robert Frost? Carl Sandburg? Bob Dylan?

rewrite the poem in the style of Robert Frost with a hint of Carl Sandburg and Bob Dylan thrown in:

AI Poetry

Okay. I could go on for hours like this, but I won’t.

Just one more (for fun).

rewrite the poem as a haiku with only 3 lines

AI Poetry

Boom! I like it! AI Poetry for the win! (Maybe.)

Why not try it out yourself and post your “best” results below. 🙂

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