Tag: chatGPT

Getting AI to Be Your Beta Reviewer

What if AI could review my book (at any point in the writing process) and provide me a simple beta review with suggestions for improvement?

A robot creating a new language

Using AI for World Building: Conlanging

Generative AI can help you, as a writer, in your attempts at conlanging–or developing new languages.

ChatGPT Use Case for Writers

Another ChatGPT Use Case for Writers

This is my attempt at generating a story idea, fleshing out the logline, breaking it apart into a basic plot structure, and finally coming up with chapter events. It sucks.

a robot at a typewriter, in the style of a cartoon from the 1950s

ChatGPT for Writers

ChatGPT can assist writers in several ways, such as generating ideas for stories, suggesting words or phrases to enhance writing and more.