Tag: writing

Photo by Pixabay: https://www.pexels.com/photo/two-yellow-emoji-on-yellow-case-207983/

Using Emotional Intelligence to Enhance Your Writing

Success as a writer depends not only on your ability to, well, write, but also on your ability to use emotional intelligence.

ChatGPT Use Case for Writers

Another ChatGPT Use Case for Writers

This is my attempt at generating a story idea, fleshing out the logline, breaking it apart into a basic plot structure, and finally coming up with chapter events. It sucks.

Shakespeare as a robot in the style of davinci

Getting AI to Fix My Bad High School Poetry

I thought I’d try something fun since I have the itch to play around with AI-generative chatbots like OpenAI’s ChatGPT.

a robot at a typewriter, in the style of a cartoon from the 1950s

ChatGPT for Writers

ChatGPT can assist writers in several ways, such as generating ideas for stories, suggesting words or phrases to enhance writing and more.

Feel all the things

In Consideration of Writing & Mental Health

I’ve found over the years that writing about difficult experiences or traumatic events in my life can provide a sense of catharsis.

What Could Be Better Than a Book About Weather?

I ask what could be better than a book about weather, but I know the answer–to me, anyway: nothing.

WTF is a Genogram?

In the simplest terms, a genogram is a modern family tree, but it can be so much more than that, and I have found it especially useful as a writer.

Making the Switch to Scrivener

I finally pulled the trigger and made the switch from my collection of Microsoft products to Scrivener. This is why.

On Precipitation & Emotion

There are many forms of precipitation–from snow to rain to ice crystals and more–and therefore many ways a writer can use it for emotion.

Alien Weather

Alien weather is something I think about quite frequently, not only because it plays into my own writing, but because it’s just neat.