Kindle Vella Thoughts

Kindle Vella Thoughts

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After completing my second serial on Amazon’s platform, I have some Kindle Vella thoughts. First off: yes, The Beans of Anafi is complete on Kindle Vella (update: not now) and yes, it will be converted into a Kindle version for release on September 6, 2022 (update: it’s out).

As with Beneath Gehenna, I would not call my latest Vella venture good. I have my reasons why I think this is, but that’s not what this post is about.

Most of the following thoughts are for the Kindle Vella writers out there, but readers might want to know what they’re getting into as well. I’ve watched a lot of Kindle Vella authors over the past year, so these observations do not necessarily reflect on anything I did (or what I didn’t do). They do reflect things I have seen other writers do (or what they didn’t do).

These thoughts are written in no order and compiled from notes I have around the house.

  • Kindle Vella is a serial platform, meaning cliffhangers are the only way to end an episode; that cliffhanger has to be good enough to pull the reader into the next episode
  • There is the author’s note area: use it, either as “insight” into an episode or as a way to spark interest in your work; there aren’t many readers who would care to read footnotes in fiction, but with Vella, that’s different
  • Have a plan, which goes against the grain of every pantser out there; that said, as long as you have a basic idea of where you’re going, you’re doing better than a few Vella writers out there
  • Edit
  • Please edit
  • Publish on a consistent basis–maybe twice per week–but don’t push it; don’t put it all out there day after day, but stretch it out in such a way that your reader “can’t wait” for the next episode to drop
  • Be careful with read-for-read groups on Facebook or other social media platforms; I don’t have an issue with them, but Amazon may later on
  • Remember that text should not be used on your cover image; Kindle Vella’s covers are ugly, but they already add your title and name so there’s no need to waste the space
  • Romance is THE category based on the top 250 list; all others are secondary (I put “the” in ALL CAPS because I firmly believe it)
    • if you have a fantasy, make it a fantasy romance or steamy fantasy or paranormal romance
    • if you write science fiction, call it sci-fi romance or reverse harem sci-fi or alien sex or something
    • if historical fiction is your thing, try historical fiction romance
    • if your go-to genre is kid lit…I have no idea what to do
  • Don’t expect to gain a following from Kindle Vella; you should have one already built to help you
  • Ask for help from that pre-built following; there are very few readers who browse the Kindle Vella platform looking for something to read (it’s not that reader-friendly), but your fans can point their friends to your link…show them how
  • Promote through your newsletter as much as possible; social media promotions are hit and miss…but mostly miss
  • If you’re one of the people who can actually pay your mortgage using Kindle Vella royalties, then by all means, hire a marketing person…for the rest of us, remember that marketing is your real job after the words are written
  • Tie your Kindle Vella serial to your Amazon author page; this was only recently allowed, so use it
  • Ask for reviews
  • Don’t try to figure out how the bonus system works, just accept it
  • Ask for more reviews
  • Follow the Kindle Vella community pages on the KDP community; there is a lot of good information (and it’s a good place to ask questions that may actually be answered by someone who works for Amazon)
  • Use polls (a new Kindle Vella feature) if you’d like to get some reader feedback; if you make a later change based on poll results, let your readers know in the author’s note area (this is important for any feedback system)
  • Leave your completed Vella up on the platform even after you’ve repackaged/republished the book on KDP (after the 30-day waiting period, of course); two streams of income, right?

And that’s all I have (for now). Will I put out another Kindle Vella serial?

I have no idea.

I’m a serious planner with control issues.

After completing my second serial on Amazon's platform, I have some Kindle Vella thoughts...mostly for writers.
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