Category: Readerly Musings

A Word About Reviews

Reviews are an important way for readers to discover new books, and they also serve as valuable feedback for the authors.

The Only Books I’ve Read More than Twice

That was “more than twice” because there are quite a few books I’ve read two times and for two reasons: 1) I couldn’t quite “get it” the first time or 2) I was deep in the jungles of Honduras and had nothing else to read.

Religiosity in Fiction

Religiosity in Fiction

Religiosity in fiction covers a broad area. Religious cults and religions are not confined to horror or fantasy novels. They can, in fact, act as both antagonist and protagonist within any genre and certainly bring a different level of realism to the sci-fi thriller reading experience. I am sure that any reader can think of several examples…
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What the Devil is Anthropological Science Fiction?

Anthropological Science Fiction sounds like an oxymoron, doesn’t it? Maybe when we break down it down, it is indeed. In simplest terms, anthropology is “the study of human societies and cultures and their development” (thank you Oxford). When we think of anthropology, we consider the past (i.e., how did we get here?). Science Fiction on…
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On Focus: “I saw a creature…bestial…”

Focus, man. Focus. I don’t do this often, and I don’t know if I’ll do it again. Feel free to mark this day as “weird.” “So, what’s new in the WORLD?”Asks a demon in my midst.“Funny thing you should ask,”I breathe out from behind my bars.“I was going to ask you the same.” That was…
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What is Literary Fiction Really?

When I was wee lad (well, thirty-something), I had this idea I would be the next great horror writer. I did all things horror: wrote short stories, worked on novels, edited a horror magazine, read works by other horror authors, attempted to buy my way into horror conventions, collected horror action figures (they’re not dolls!),…
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Write, Rinse, Repeat (Or: the Drunk Ex-CIA Agent Finds the Treasure and Saves the World!)

Write, rinse, repeat….Once upon a time I read a Facebook comment on David Morrell’s page which made me think about what I read more than I normally think about what I read. For reference (I save things), the comment was this: “The Tor editor and I discussed a number of situations in thrillers that are looking…
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