Category: Books

Creation: How an Art Piece Can Explain a Writing Thing

I wrote a version of this piece back in 2012, when I first began painting. The original idea was not only to chronicle a piece of work, but tie it to a larger theme… that is, creation is often blind to outcome. I didn’t quite get to the second part in my first attempt, so…
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A Primer on Death Poetry for Writers

I have been looking through various works-in-progress, those novels that–for whatever reason–were abandoned on the side of the road while the mind went looking for a gas station down the street. One of them, Driving the Spike, made me think of two of my favorite reads: Stephen Crane and Japanese Death Poems, as presented in a…
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Pentimento: a Fancy Word for “That’s Better”

In the world of art (and I’m speaking specifically of painting), the word pentimento (derived from the Italian pentirsi, which means to repent or change your mind) is a change made by the artist during the process of painting. As a painter, I’ve done this many times, although the discovering of the change or changes…
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How To: Write a Book in Just Under 20 Years (or 7300 days)

A book takes times, does it not? On September 23, 2013, Difficult Mirrors was released for consumption (and hopefully joy). That the book took a while to write is not a secret I keep. Journeys are not always quick nor do they always take a straight route. It even had a different name for nearly…
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I Hear Voices…Can’t You?

Voices. Voices everywhere. What I consider to be the hardest part of starting a novel is not technical, exactly. It’s not the outlining or the descriptive note cards I might have scattered about the bedroom like so much detritus nor the initial formatting of the manuscript (which I’ve since learned is just foolish at the…
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Llama, Llama, Go Llama

In 2002 (or so), a writer friend (the-great-and-not-quite-as-unknown-as-me Eric A. Jackson) and I were discussing what makes good fiction. At the time, he had recently loaned me a copy of Bentley Little’s The Collection, a great book of short stories. One of those stories included a dead llama. Naturally, the discussion on what made good…
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On Research: Extrajudicial Killing, Maggie and Me

As I do the research necessary to write another novel, I find myself running into things I didn’t think existed. Some writers might need a little inspiration, and the archive of legislation through the years is certainly broad enough to provide that inspiration to many people. But that’s not what this is about.

How To: Inhale a Novel Idea (Literally)

You really can inhale a novel idea, especially if the novel involves dust and you stand in the middle of a dust storm. It’s quite the experience.

How a Little Boy Gave Me a Reason

I originally wrote part of this post just before I turned 40. However, I sometimes need to be reminded why I’m here. It happens every once in a while: you bury yourself in the business aspect of writing, looking at numbers, trying to forecast the way the readership blows, but when all is said and…
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