A Semi-Not-Horribly-Regular Newsletter #3
In this issue: Big Transit News, the Conference Appearance, Giveaway, New Posts, Sunset on Maior Pales, NaNoWriMo 2021, and Recent Reads (a review).
BIG (HUGE) Transit News!
As announced on October 21st, a new sci-fi series Transit will kick off with OUT OF DUE SEASON: THE FIRST TRANSIT, and I have a deal for YOU!

An Offer For You!
Would you like to read this novel FREE before it comes out? If so, you can sign up to receive an electronic Advanced Reader Copy (eARC) now! You will receive the eARC on or about December 2, so that’s two full months before the official release. This book is expected to release to the wild on February 8, 2022!
Here’s the synopsis and link if you’re interested.
What if humanity had a second chance?
On a June afternoon, a body is discovered floating in a remote lake in northwestern Washington. When a recovery team attempts to retrieve it, they make a shocking discovery: 311 other bodies lie under the water, all members of a previously unknown religious cult. However, what appears to be a tragedy of immense proportions is only the beginning.
When a few relatives and friends of the victims discover inconsistencies in the stories, a small group bands together to learn the truth. As government agencies apply pressure for reasons unknown and civil unrest in the country makes communication and movement difficult, this tiny yet determined team unravels what may be the greatest event in recent—if not all—human history.
Something epic is about to happen in that remote lake, and as competing sides inch ever closer to the truth, the last pieces of the puzzle are revealed.
The First Transit is for those who follow the rules, while disaster awaits everyone else.
Request an ARC here: https://bxwretlind.com/blog/advanced-reader-copy-form/
As I mentioned, this book is the first in a series called Transit. The second book is expected in mid-2022 with the third shortly thereafter. In sum, there are eight books scheduled! This is a whirlwind ride that ultimately asks the question:
Would humanity’s sociological journey look the same if it had a chance to start over?
If you like generational stories or are a fan of science fiction epic series such as Dune or Foundation, Transit is for you! Request your eARC today!
Conference Appearance!
This coming April, I have been invited to lead two sessions at the Pikes Peak Writers Conference:
- How to Create an Atmosphere (on paper, of course)
- Putting the Character on the Couch: The Psychology Behind Your Work
PPWC 2022 runs from April 29 to May 1, 2022 with an add-on date of April 28 and will be held BOTH at the Colorado Springs DoubleTree and virtually online.
If you’re interested in attending, registration is now open. Click on the picture below and it will take you to the page. As of this moment, I do not have a schedule but I will post it when it becomes available.

December Giveaway
This December I will be giving away an autographed copy of Sketches from the Spanish Mustang to not one but TWO lucky winners.
Click this fancy button for more details and to enter.
There are a few ways you can get multiple entries, and who doesn’t like that. Check it out and see how.
New Content (stories, articles and more)
- I was interviewed by Authority Magazine recently on How to Write Compelling Science Fiction and Fantasy Stories. Check it out!
- If you missed it, I have a third new short story up on the Free Reads section (“Sprouts“) along with some book excerpts and poems.
- New blog articles:
- Location, Location, Location
- Location, Location, Location. We’ve heard it before, how important it is to a story. The setting of a story can move about, but it is no less important (I believe) than the characters or the plot. After all, where would the characters act out the plot if not in a setting?
- How to: Become a Vicar of Virality
- Virality (vīˈralÉ™tÄ“) – the tendency of an image, video, or piece of information (such as an e-book) to be circulated rapidly and widely from one Internet user to another; the quality or fact of being viral.
- How To: Give eBooks a Little Push – Part 1
- This post (and Part 2) are geared toward the self-published authors out there and describe a way to push (or “gently nudge”) readers to share their work in an easy, accessible way.
- How To: Give eBooks a Little Push – Part 2
- This is the second part which describes in more detail how to format certain links that are intended to give your books a little push.
- Location, Location, Location
- Also check out my journal of all the prep work I did for NaNoWriMo over at the Pikes Peak Writer Blog. In December, I’ll post the results.

Sunset on Maior Pales – A Novella
CYN-4329-2316-ACBS-092134853a–known to itself as Cletus and assigned a male gender in one of its first acts as an AI consciousness–has a bug in its programming. Against all logic, the ghost of a young man has muddled its circuits and promised to give it a soul…provided one small thing that only a self-aware robot with a yearning to self-actualize can do.
This novella releases on December 7, 2021. Only $0.99!
NaNoWriMo 2021
I have spent the majority of every day through November writing a novel as part of NaNoWriMo 2021. The National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting creative writing. Its main program is an annual event in which crazy people attempt to write a 50,000-word manuscript during November.
Being the good blogger, I journaled about my preparation and then again about my progress (and also its impact on launching the Transit series). I’ll have the progress post up on December 7th, but the preparation post is available now.
Did I win? We shall see!
Recent Reads
Stalin’s Door by John St. Clair – When I was much, much younger, I eschewed the popular language classes in my high school and took instead Russian, facilitated by an eccentric teacher who would have fit perfectly within the pages of John St. Clair’s debut novel, Stalin’s Door. And because I was that kid, I also took an interest in all things related to the Soviet Union, from the Revolution through the Cold War and its eventual fall. I was also–perhaps morbidly–interested in the Gulag and its system of prison camps.
Reading this novel was like diving back into that research, diving back into the horrors of Stalin’s regime and hearing from those who lived it first-hand. While the characters may have been fictional, their voices are in my head. St. Clair’s grasp of the language and his research into the nuances within the culture were obvious wins. From Zhenya to Sava to Lera, the characters were well-rounded, deep and so three-dimensional they could have been pulled from the pages of history.
I cannot express this enough: although I am admittedly not a fan of historical fiction, I am a HUGE fan of John St. Clair and especially Stalin’s Door. This is a beautifully written book that pulled me in and kept me reading through the end.
Check out this story at the following link: https://www.amazon.com/Stalins-Door-John-St-Clair-ebook/dp/B08YMD8Z5M/
Please let your friends know if they’re interested in blog posts about writing and all the other odd things you might find on this site. You can forward them this newsletter or they can sign up at this link: https://www.bxwretlind.com/blog/subscribe
That does it for this issue of the newsletter. I’ll see you back here next time!
— Ben