Category: Beneath Gehenna

Dream Vacations (for This Writer)

We all have dream vacations, places we want to go that fit firmly into our bucket lists with permanent ink. Writers have them, too.

(Almost) Two Years in Review: An Exercise

Two years is a long time to review, and these past two years really feel like 20. Still, I think it’s necessary for some of us to look back on where we were and what we’ve accomplished. If anything, it’s a record. While I know it’s not quite December, I still feel the need to…
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How to: Develop a Writing Routine

Psychologically, routines are comfort food. They are there when other things are not. They are what we go to when we don’t know what else to do. Naturally, developing a routine in anything–be it writing or exercise or reading or needlepoint–is important to us as humans.