Review: Kings, Conquerors, Psychopaths: From Alexander to Hitler to the Corporation by Joseph N Abraham MD

Review: Kings, Conquerors, Psychopaths: From Alexander to Hitler to the Corporation by Joseph N Abraham MD

Kings, Conquerors, Psychopaths: From Alexander to Hitler to the Corporation
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Conquest is murder & theft.
Conquerors are vicious criminals.
Vicious criminals become kings.
Kings designed civilization

…and we are the products of civilization.

Right wing movements are rising around the globe, but our attention is misdirected. The problem is not the authoritarian leader, but the blinkered supporters who unthinkingly follow him. Without them, the despot is irrelevant.

Why do we attach ourselves to dictators & demagogues? Why do we defend even their most obvious hypocrisies & lies?

The answer lies in the roots of civilization. Despite our romantic traditions, monarchs were never wise, just, nor generous. History shows that, without exception, kings were the most vicious psychopaths, narcissists, & sadists who ever lived.

And the only path for survival required blindly believing & obeying anything the king said.

5 stars

My Thoughts

The fog of popular culture often obscures our vision of the most critical issues defining modern life. As Dr. Joseph N. Abraham expertly chronicles in his latest book, Kings, Conquerors, Psychopaths: From Alexander to Hitler to the Corporation, the dynamics of power and oppression have recurred over the vast sweep of human history, from ancient rulers to modern corporations. With scholarly rigor, he delineates the patterns of control, intimidation and terror used by kings, conquerors and psychopaths over millennia to brutalize untold millions, often solely for personal gain.

Yet where others see only bleakness, Abraham finds reason for hope. The slow arc of history curves towards freedom through institutions like free elections, markets and expression. He argues the imperative in modern democracies is freedom from “mandated inequality” and “exploitive and subjugating inequality of privilege and the double standard.” Our essential liberty today is freedom not from law, but from laws skewed to benefit a small, tyrannical minority.

Abraham does not shy away from the sheer magnitude of suffering inflicted by regimes like the Nazis. However, he argues figures like Hitler were unfortunately more usual than unique in their bloodlust. Through methodical analysis of history’s greatest atrocities, Abraham destroys the romantic myths still clouding popular perceptions of war and conquest. He holds forth “truth-telling” as the ultimate antidote, so modern societies may understand and control the recurrence of human persecution.

Ultimately, Abraham sees engaged citizens as the “last feedback in the system” – the final safeguard against the co-opting of democracy by authoritarian tendencies. Through that lens, works like Kings, Conquerors, Psychopaths: From Alexander to Hitler to the Corporation equip people to take back power, prevent reversions to historical brutality, and secure the liberties so many sacrificed for over centuries. Its rigorous examination of oppression’s immense cost makes Abraham’s book essential reading for progressive, caring and moral citizens today.

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