Back to It

Back to It

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I took a break, but I’m back to it.

What break and what the hell am I talking about?

Shortly before the last Pikes Peak Writers Conference, I got into pre-launch mode. Just before it kicked off, I found myself elbows-deep in pre-launch shenanigans. It was akin to juggling flaming torches while balancing on a unicycle.

Being busy birthing a new series meant my beloved work-in-progress had to take a backseat for a bit.

On May 23rd, that new baby, Aebris Rising, made its grand entrance into the world. Now, any writer worth their salt knows that a book’s release date is not the end of the road. Oh no, it’s just the beginning of an endless game of promotion hopscotch–from hyping up the book, to hyping it up some more, and then, you guessed it, even more hyping.

I also took a vacation to Sedona where I decided to become Buddhist.

first Sedona, now back to it

Follow that with a trip to New Haven, CT for a work trip. I’ve found it very difficult to get much writing done during those types of trips.

However, I did finally compile and get ready Ink and Enlightenment: 100 Insights & Exercises for the Writer’s Soul. Check that out, when you get a chance.

That didn’t mean I had forgotten what I had been working on. On the contrary, I actually scribbled out three different directions for the story. After returning from New Haven, I decided to put one of those into motion, which meant rearranging and rewriting half of the 50,000 words I’d already written.

Of course, thinking that I was now prepared to start the first draft process all over again, I recanted. The direction was not right, and as a result I had to rework those pages again…until I finally (think) I have it right.

And here I am, back to it.

Returning to my craft gives me a buzz akin to sipping a perfect cup of coffee after a long day. As writers, we find ourselves juggling a myriad of tasks that go beyond simply putting pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard). The list can be daunting enough to make an Olympic athlete break a sweat. At times, the business side of authorship can drain the joy out of the creative process.

And let’s be real, that’s no fun at all.

If you’ve been on this rollercoaster, you know exactly what I mean.

So here’s the deal: I’m back to it. Back to the wonderful world of creating, of breathing life into characters, of building new universes, one word at a time. After all, the twists and turns, the detours and distractions, are all part of this crazy, beautiful journey we call writing.

And honestly, I wouldn’t have it any other way.

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