Tag: marketing

A Release Plan for the Schedule Dependent

The release of a book is nowhere near the end of an author’s journey, but it does feel good once you’re there.

How To: Give eBooks a Little Push — Part 2

In Part 2, I promised to talk how to build the Uniform Resource Locator (URL), or the “link” you need to apply to each of the buttons.

How To: Give eBooks a Little Push — Part 1

This post (and the next) are geared toward the self-published authors out there and describe a way to push (or “gently nudge”) readers to share their work in an easy, accessible way.

How To: Become a Vicar of Virality

Truthfully, I have no idea how a novel becomes viral if the author isn’t well known, but I’m going to list out a bunch of stuff that probably says I’m doing it wrong.

What Works for Independent Authors? Guest Post by Scott Bury

This guest post by Scott Bury examines the “Independent Author” label and what’s worked for him.